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The Literacy Center
To the world you may be only one person, but to one person you may be the world.
- Heather Cortez
Our Board of Directors
Father Peter Banks, Founder
Fr. Robert Sewe, OFM Cap. and Colette Mueller, Co-Presidents
Tony Luca, Treasurer, Elaine Pershing, Secretary
Dennis Bordenave, Rosa Bordenave,
Antonia Carpenter, Daryl Crowley,
Delia Johnson, Adriana Lopez, Jackie Luca, Thomas Lynch,
Jim McMahon, Richard Meehan, Matthew Peck, Teresa Perez,
Charles Steinmetz, Lincoln Stone, Melissa Turcios, Gladdys Uribe
Directors Emeritus
Lisa Aquistapace, Eileen Fiore
Tutor Advisory Board
Oscar Arenas, Javier Garcia, Stephanie Gomez,
Abby Quezada, Ericka Quezada
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